Informations générales
- Maître de conférences en psychologie cognitive (section CNU 16)
- 2024 : Membre Junior : Institut Universitaire de France (IUF)
![Portrait de Cyril Thomas](
Thèmes de recherche
Mots-clés: prestidigitation, biais cognitifs, illusions perceptives, résolution de problèmes, raisonnement.
Mes travaux de recherche portent principalement sur la compréhension des biais cognitifs de haut et de bas niveau, notamment en ayant recours à l’utilisation d’un outil expérimental original : la prestidigitation. En effet, les tours de magie offrent aux psychologues un terrain de recherche original et fertile pour mieux comprendre certains processus cognitifs tels que la perception, l’attention, le raisonnement, etc…. C’est au sein même de cette thématique que s’inscrivent plusieurs de mes recherches sur la perception visuelle et sur le raisonnement. Mes travaux sur la perception s’intéressent particulièrement aux processus cognitifs en jeu dans les phénomènes d’anticipation perceptive ainsi qu’à l’influence d’heuristiques sur l’interprétation de séquences visuelles simples. Mes recherches sur le raisonnement s’articulent essentiellement autour du phénomène de fixation de la pensée dans le domaine de la résolution de problèmes (aussi connu sous le nom d’effet « einstellung »).
- Botella, M., & Thomas, C. (sous presse).Who are the magicians? Their personality traits. Accepted by Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts.
- Kuhn, G., Gibgot, T., Thomas, C., & Ekroll, V. (in press). Magic for the blind – Are auditory tricks impossible? Trends in Cognitive Sciences.
- Navarre, A., Didierjean, A., & Thomas, C. (in press). Cinquante ans de travaux sur l’effet d’ancrage. Quoi de neuf depuis Tversky et Kahneman (1974). L’année Psychologique.
- Begey, M., Didierjean, A. & Thomas, C. (2023). The Vanishing Coin Illusion: When sound congruence affects visual representation of motion. Attention, Perception & Pschophysics, Advance online publication.
- Kuhn, G., Ortega, J., Simmons, K., Thomas, C., & Mohr, C. (2022). Experiencing misinformation: The effect of pre-exposure warnings and debunking on psychic beliefs. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, Advance online publication.
- Navarre, A., Didierjean, A., & Thomas, C. (2022). Anchoring effect induces false memories. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, Advance online publication. *PhD student under my supervision
- Navarre, A., Didierjean, A., & Thomas, C. (2022) Are the anchoring effect and the Einstellung effect two facets of the same phenomenon? New Ideas in Psychology, 64, *PhD student under my supervision
- Thomas, C., Botella, M., & Didierjean, A., (2022). Fooling System 1 in the field of perception: Failure to intuitively detect attribute substitution in the flushtration count illusion. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 75, 2149–2158.
- Thomas, C., Didierjean, & Nicolas, S. (2019). Binet et la prestidigitation : Comprendre les outils psychologiques des magiciens avec les outils méthodologiques du 19ème siècle. Recherches et Educations, vol. 20, Hors-Série.
- Gygax, P., Thomas C., Didierjean, A., & Kuhn, G. (2019). Are women perceived as worse magicians than men? Gender bias when evaluating magic tricks. Social Psychological Bulletin, 14, Article e33574.
- Thomas, C., Didierjean, A., & Kuhn, G. (2018). The Flushtration Count Illusion: Attribute substitution tricks our interpretation of a simple visual event sequence. British Journal of Psychology, 109, 850-861.
- Thomas, C., Didierjean, A., Maquestiaux, F., & Goujon, A. (2018). On the Limits of Statistical Learning: Intertrial Contextual Cueing is Confined to Temporally Close Contingences. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 80, 1420-1435.
- Thomas, C., Didierjean, A., & Kuhn, G. (2018). It is magic! How impossible solutions prevent the discovery of obvious ones? The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 71, 2481-2487.
- Thomas, C., & Didierjean, A. (2016). Magicians fix your mind: How unlikely solutions block obvious ones. Cognition, 154, 169-173.
- Thomas, C., & Didierjean, A. (2016). No need for a social cue! A masked magician can also trick the audience in the vanishing ball illusion. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 78, 21-29.
- Thomas, C., Didierjean, A., & Nicolas, S. (2016). Scientific study of magic: Binet’s pioneering approach based on observations and chronophotography. American Journal of Psychology, 129, 313-326.
- Thomas, C., & Didierjean, A. (2016). The ball vanishes in the air: Can we blame Representational Momentum? Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 23, 1810-1817.
- Thomas, C., Didierjean, A., Maquestiaux, F., & Gygax, P. (2015). Does magic offer a cryptozoology ground for psychology? Review of General Psychology, 19, 117-128.
- Thomas, C., & Didierjean, A. (2022). La magie est-elle le « monde perdu » des psychologues ? In Prettalli, M. (dir.). Ruse et magie de l’antiquité à nos jours. (pp. 159-177). Presses Universitaires de Franche-Comté.
- Thomas, C., & Didierjean, A. (2022). Rusé comme un magicien: utiliser les failles de l’esprit pour étonner le spectateur. In Prettalli, M., & Didierjean (dirs.), A. La ruse aux multiples facettes. (pp. 119-133). Mardaga.
- Kuhn, G. & Thomas, C. (2022). What can Magic Reveal About the Brain. In Della Salla, S. (ed.), Encyclopedia of Behavioral Neuroscience 2nd Edition (pp. 598-604). Vol. 3. Elsevier.
Coordinateur du projet ANR JCJC MAGIBIAS : utiliser la magie pour étudier les biais cognitifs
- Kuhn, G., Thomas, C., & Griffiths, T. (2022). A multidimensional taxonomy of magic tricks. Talk given at the Science of Magic Conference, London, UK, 21-22nd July.
- Thomas, C., (2020). Quels outils psychologiques utilisent les prestidigitateurs ? Invited speaker at the Jeudis de la MSHE, Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté, France, 6th February.
- Thomas, C., (2019). Comment les magiciens fixent notre esprit ? Invited speaker at the LaPea Séminaires, Université de Paris, France, 18th December.
- Thomas, C., (2019).L’erreur de substitution d’attributs au service des magiciens.Invited speaker at the ruse et magie conférence, Bourgogne Franche-Comté, France, 17th February.
- Thomas, C. (2018). The science of magic. Invited speaker at the Science of Magic Courses, Carthage College, USA, 20th November.
- Thomas, C., Didierjean, A., & Kuhn, G. (2017). The Flushtration Count Illusion: Attribute substitution tricks our visual perception. Talk given at the Science of Magic Conference, London, UK, 31st August.
- Gygax, P., Thomas, C., Didierjean, A., & Kuhn, G. (2017). When sexism creeps into perception: How gender stereotypes affect the way we perceive a magic trick. Talk given at the Science of Magic Conference, London, UK, 1st September.
- Leighton, J., Kuhn, G., & Thomas, C. (2017). Think outside of the box! False solutions block our mind and not the eye. Talk given at the Science of Magic Conference, London, UK, 1st September.
- Thomas, C., Didierjean, A., & Kuhn, G. (2017). It is magic! How impossible solutions prevent the discovery of obvious ones? Invited speaker at the Lunchtime Seminar, University of Fribourg, Switzerland, 1st June.
- Thomas, C., Didierjean, A., & Kuhn, G. (2017). It is magic! How impossible solutions prevent the discovery of obvious ones? Talk given at the International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS), Vienna, Austria, 23th March.
- Thomas, C. (2017). The science of magic. Invited speaker at the Psychology of Magic Courses, Goldsmiths University of London, UK, 10th January.
- Thomas, C., & Didierjean, A. (2017). Binet et la psychologie de la prestidigitation. Invited speaker at the Congré Binet 2017, Paris, France, 12-13 octobre.
- Thomas, C., & Didierjean, A. (2016). Is the Vanishing Ball Illusion based on a representational momentum effect? Talk given at the International Science of Magic Workshop – EPS, London, UK, 19th February.
- Thomas, C., & Didierjean, A. (2016). Magicians fix your mind: How unlikely solutions block obvious ones? Invited speaker at the séminaire de Chart-Upon, Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense, Nanterre, France, 20th May.
- Thomas, C., & Didierjean, A. (2015). No Need for a Social Cue! A Masked Magician Can Also Trick the Audience in the Vanishing Ball Illusion. Talk given at the SOMA meeting, Goldsmiths University of London, UK, 9th December.
- Thomas, C., & Didierjean, A. (2015). Psychologie de la prestidigitation: le lien entre la vanishing ball illusion (VBI) et le representational momentum effect (RM). Talk given at the 56th Congrès National de la Société Française de Psychologie, Strasbourg, France, 2-4 Septembre.
- Navarre, A., Didierjean A. & Thomas, C. (2022). Anchoring effect induces false memories. 22nd conference of the European Society of Cognitive Psychology, Lille, France, 29 august-1st September.
- Navarre, A., Didierjean A. & Thomas, C. (2021). The baker’s advice matter! Multiple anchoring in judicial decision-making. 62nd Annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Virtual Conference, 4-7 November.
- Thomas, C., Didierjean, A., & Kuhn, G. (2018). The Flushtration Count Illusion: Attribute substitution tricks our visual perception. 59th Annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society, New Orleans, USA. 15-18
November. - Thomas, C., Didierjean, A., & Kuhn, G. (2017). It is magic! How impossible solutions prevent the discovery of obvious ones? 58th Annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Vancouver, Canada. 8-11 November.
- Thomas, C., Didierjean, A., & Kuhn, G. (2017). It is magic! How impossible solutions prevent the discovery of obvious ones? Science of Magic Conference, London, UK. 31st August.
- Begey, M., Thomas, C., & Didierjean, A. (2017). Influence of the credibility of source on the mind fixing effect: a socio-cognitive approach of insight problem solving. Science of Magic Conference, London, UK. 31st August.
- Vaughan, E., Caffaratti, H., Thomas, C., & Kuhn, G. (2017). Please Clap and observe! The effect of audience presence on the experience of magic. Science of Magic Conference, London, UK. 31st August.
- Thomas, C., & Didierjean, A. (2016). No Need for a Social Cue! A Masked Magician Can Also Trick the Audience in the Vanishing Ball Illusion. 57th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Boston, USA. 17-20 November.
- Thomas, C., & Didierjean, A. (2016). No Need for a Social Cue! A Masked Magician Can Also Trick the Audience in the Vanishing Ball Illusion. International Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Grenada, Spain. 5-8 May.
- Thomas, C., & Didierjean, A. (2015). No Need for a Social Cue! A Masked Magician Can Also Trick the Audience in the Vanishing Ball Illusion. Poster presented at the 56th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Chicago, Illinois. 19-22 November.
- Thomas, C., Goujon, A. & Didierjean, A. (2015). Inter-trial contextual cueing is confined to temporally adjacent contingences: the limits of implicit statistical Learning mechanisms. Poster presented at the International Conference on Interdisciplinary Advances in Statistical Learning, San Sebastian, Spain. 25- 27 June.
- Thomas, C., Didierjean, A., Maquestiaux, F. & Goujon A. (2013). On Some limits of Inter-Trial, Contextual Cueing Effects. Poster presented at the 54th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 14-17 November.
- Thomas, C., Didierjean, A., Maquestiaux, F. & Goujon, A. (2013). Limitations of the intertrial temporal contextual cuing ? Poster presented at the 55e Congrès National de la Société Française de Psychologie, Lyon, France.
- Navarre, A., Didierjean, A., & Thomas, C. (2022). Quand les nombres modifient nos souvenirs. Cerveau & Psycho, 146, 22-27.
- Navarre, A., Thomas, C., & Didierjean, A.(2021). Les failles psychologiques de la justice. Cerveau & Psycho, 132, 64-69.
- Thomas, C., Begey, M., & Didierjean, A. (2021). Saurez-vous résister au magicien ? Cerveau & Psycho, 131, 82-86.w
- Didierjean, A., & Thomas, C. (2017). Se souvenir… De ce qui ne nous est pas arrivé. Le Cercle Psy, Hors-Série : Les 25 grandes expériences de la psychologie, Novembre-Décembre, 6, 82-85.
- Thomas, C., & Didierjean, A. (2016). Des magiciens au laboratoire. Cerveau & Psycho, 73, 20-24.
- Didierjean, A. & Thomas, C. (2015). Toujours un temps d’avance. Cerveau & Psycho, l’essentiel, Février-Avril, 21, 28-33.
- Responsable de l’UE psychologie cognitive et neuropsychologie : aspects cliniques (M1S2)
- Responsable de l’UE psychologie cognitive (M1S2)